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Dr. Antonio Marino
Cirujano Maxilofacial
universidad de Chile


Implantes Dentales en Santiago: Precios y Opciones en Clínica MaxilofacialCom

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial titanium devices that are placed in the jaw bone to replace the root of a missing tooth. A dental prosthesis (crown, bridge, or denture) is placed over the implant to simulate the appearance and function of a natural tooth.


If you are considering getting dental implants in Chile, it is important that you know how much you can expect to pay. Here we provide you with information about the prices of our dental implants, as well as some tips to help you make an informed decision about your dental treatment. "If you need dental implants you should find out the prices in Chile and then compare different points.

In our dental implant clinic you will find the best price with the best quality and expert professionals.

En nuestra clínica dental de implantes encontrarás el mejor precio con la mejor calidad y profesionales expertos. Hemos funcionado en forma ininterrumpida durante más de 18 años. Somos todos de la Universidad de Chile. No rotamos profesionales, trabajamos con insumos de primera calidad, implantes con más de 20 años en el mercado y nuestros profesionales estarán contigo en todas las etapas. No somos megas prestadores.

Si estás considerando la posibilidad de obtener implantes dentales en Chile, es importante que sepas cuánto puedes esperar pagar. Aquí te proporcionamos información sobre los precios de nuestros implantes dentales, así como algunos consejos para ayudarte a tomar una decisión informada sobre tu tratamiento dental. "Si necesitas implantes dentales debes averiguar los precios en chile y luego comparar distintos puntos.


Implante dental

  • Evaluación inicial, diagnóstico y solicitud de exámenes. Presupuesto.

  • Planificación implantológica junto al rehabilitador

  • Sala de procedimiento

  • Insumo de implante marca AlphaBio o JDImplants

  • Instalación del implante

  • Controles

  • Aditamentos originales de la marca (no usamos alternativos)

  • Laboratorio

  • Rehabilitación por parte del especialista

  • Corona de Zirconio

  • Control al primer año

Tipos de tratamientos sobre Implantes


Implantes Unitarios

Un implante dental

Reemplazan a las piezas una a una, se pueden realizar al momento de la extracción o en dientes que se perdieron hace un tiempo.


Puentes sobre implantes

Se pueden reemplazar muchas piezas

Pueden estar unidos, por ejemplo, dos implantes para recuperar tres dientes vecinos.


Arcadas completas

Cuando son todos los dientes de un arco dentario

Mediante la instalación de 4 a 8 implantes se puede reemplazar la totalidad de los dientes de una o ambas arcadfas dentarias.

Advantages of dental implants


Dental implants are a long-term solution, as they can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. Titanium is a biocompatible material that integrates with bone, providing a solid and durable base for dental prosthetics.


Unlike conventional dentures, dental implants do not move or slide in the mouth, allowing for greater safety and confidence when speaking and eating.


Dental implants feel and function like natural teeth, providing greater comfort compared to removable dentures.

Improves dental appearance and function

By replacing missing teeth with dental implants, dental appearance and function are improved, which can increase self-esteem and quality of life.

Types of dental implants

The dental implant placement process

1Consultation and diagnosis

The first step for the placement of dental implants is to go to a consultation with a dentist specialized in implantology. During the consultation, the dentist will evaluate your dental situation, perform exams and imaging studies, such as x-rays and CT scans, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment.

3Osseointegration process

Osseointegration is the process by which the bone joins the titanium implant, providing a solid and stable base for the dental prosthesis. This process can last between 3 and 6 months, depending on the patient and the quality of the bone.

2Surgery and implant insertion

If you are a candidate for dental implants, the next step is surgery. Under local anesthesia or sedation, the dentist will make an incision in the gum to access the bone and drill a hole in the bone where the implant will be placed. The gum will then be sutured and the implant will be allowed to integrate with the bone over a period of several months.

4Placement of the dental prosthesis

Once osseointegration is complete, impressions will be taken of your mouth to fabricate the dental prosthesis (crown, bridge, or denture) that will fit the dental implant. Finally, the dentist will fit the denture and adjust its form and function to perfectly fit your bite.

Values of our dental implants

Our current value is 520,000 pesos, it includes the crown, controls, inputs, attachments and the titanium implant is Alpha-bio brand. A prestigious brand. We have different forms of payments and installments in stages. Review our dental implant plan in detail on our minisite

We use quality implants at affordable values and our budgets do not have extra charges.

Precios en Chile de los Implantes dentales y  valores en Clínica MaxilofacialCom

El costo de un implante dental puede variar dependiendo del tipo de implante, la cantidad de dientes que se necesiten reemplazar y la clínica dental elegida en Santiago de Chile. En promedio, el precio de un solo implante dental puede oscilar entre $450.000 y $1.500.000 (en otros lugares) pesos chilenos. Es importante tener en cuenta que estos precios pueden o no incluir la corona, así como otros costos adicionales como controles y laboratorio.
Como referencia en nuestra clínica el
valor de un implante dental Incluyendo la corona es de 590.000 pesos.
Es crucial considerar la marca del implante, ya que será un elemento que te acompañará durante toda tu vida y se convertirá en parte de tu maxilar. Si estás interesado en conocer el valor de nuestros implantes dentales, puedes encontrarlo al final de nuestro artículo.
Otro elemento a considerar es que el tratante sea especialista universitario, los años de experiencia como cirujano y hace cuanto tiempo funcional la clínica dental.
En nuestro caso el Cirujano tiene más de dieciocho años de experiencia y nuestra consulta ha funcionado en forma ininterrumpida durante 18 años. 

El valor es de referencia y solo se puede confirmar con el examen clínico y los estudios radiográficos (cone-beam). Nuestros presupuestos no incluyen tomografías o radiografías, lo que es muy bueno porque siempre las imagenes serán tuyas y las podras usar con algún otro colega para ver opciones de tratamiento

  • What is orthognathic surgery?
    Orthognathic surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct deformities of the jaw and face.
  • Who is a candidate for orthognathic surgery?
    People who have deformities of the jaw and face, such as a protruding maxilla or receding mandible, may be candidates for orthognathic surgery.< /p>
  • How long does orthognathic surgery last?
    The duration of orthognathic surgery varies depending on the individual case, but can last several hours.
  • How long does the hospitalization last?
    Each case is different but 95% of our patients are discharged the day after their surgery. If we perform the procedure on a Saturday morning, the patient can return home the following day in the afternoon. You should not be lying down when you get home, you require relative rest that includes not doing physical activity that involves strength, but in general patients recover semi-sitting or next to their computers.
  • Is the postoperative painful?
    In general the pain is mild-moderate, with analogues the degree of pain is very low. There is presence of anesthesia rather than pain in the area. There is damage to the sensory nerves in the area, therefore sensitivity and pain are clearly decreased for a variable period. There are cases in which the patient has more pain than others, but it is not usual. What they usually manifest is a lot of discomfort due to the edema and the care associated with food and hygiene.
  • Is a medical license required?
    Yes. Usually there are 3 or 4 weeks of medical leave. After this time, the patient is able to resume his work activities and can gradually increase the consistency of food.
  • Do the isapres cover this treatment?
    Yes. Indeed, the isapres cover this type of surgery. the procedures are coded by fonase. It is essential to verify the coverage percentage of your plan, the limits and if they are free choice or only with preferred providers. On many occasions, health plans have free choice but the limits are low. The best thing to do is to have a plan without limits. We remind you that within your isapre you can change your plan and pre-stocks are maintained and respected by law. It is different if they change from one isapre to another. We recommend having free choice plans with good hospital coverage.
  • Does the face swell?
    Yes, a lot. There is a lot of edema all over the face, sometimes ecchymosis (bruises) appears. This edema slowly disappears. Since the surgery changes the position of the facial bones and fixes them in the right place, there is great swelling of the entire face. Since the surgery is performed through the mouth, the tissues are pulled and the lips split. This inflammation recovers slowly, a significant percentage lasts about four weeks. Then there is a slow recovery that can last months.
  • What is the modern technology available for this treatment?
    Simplant OMS, Nemoceph 3d and Dolphin Imaging 3d are the main tools available in Europe and the United States: With these systems we carry out a detailed diagnosis, three-dimensional treatment planning and the preparation of all the necessary guides for the moment of the operation Dolphin Imaging 3d is the most powerful tool available in the world, it is used in implantology to plan complex surgeries and in Maxillofacial Surgery to plan and predict the results of our surgeries. It is within the reach of our patients, we have 8 years of experience and close to 200 cases operated and planned digitally. Within reach of our patients. With a dental maxillofacial tomography, the complete image of our patient is acquired. In Chile, radiological centers have the necessary equipment and the exams have similar values to conventional studies. Then, with the CD loaded with the tomography, we process the image and plan our surgery. We evaluate the case, perform the surgery and obtain the 3d printed guides. We have four 3d printers and two intraoral scanners to register the dental models of our patients. that way we can register and transfer an exact copy of the patient to his mouth.
  • How long does it take to recover from orthognathic surgery?
    Recovery from orthognathic surgery can take several weeks, and it is important to follow your surgeon's instructions to ensure a successful recovery.
  • What type of anesthesia is used during orthognathic surgery?
    General anesthesia is usually used for orthognathic surgery.
  • Is the recovery process painful?
    It is normal to experience pain and discomfort after surgery, but your surgeon may prescribe medication to help control the pain.
  • Are there risks associated with orthognathic surgery?
    As with any surgery, there are risks associated with orthognathic surgery, including infection, bleeding, and anesthetic complications. With current technologies the risks are extremely low. It is a surgery with careful planning and preparation.
  • Is it possible for the teeth to move after orthognathic surgery?
    Teeth may shift after orthognathic surgery, so it's important to follow your surgeon's recommendations for braces and dental care.< /span>
  • How long should an orthodontic appliance be worn after orthognathic surgery?
    The length of time an orthodontic appliance must be worn after orthognathic surgery varies depending on the individual case, but can generally last from six months to a year.
  • Can you eat solid food after orthognathic surgery?
    In the first few days after orthognathic surgery, you may be on a liquid or soft diet, but you can eventually return to solid foods.< /p>
  • How is follow-up done after orthognathic surgery?
    It's important to keep follow-up appointments with your surgeon and orthodontist to make sure your recovery is progressing smoothly
  • Could a second orthognathic surgery be needed?
    It is not common but in some cases, it may be necessary to perform a second orthognathic surgery to achieve the desired results.
  • How does orthognathic surgery affect facial appearance?
    Orthognathic surgery can improve facial appearance by correcting deformities and improving facial symmetry.
  • Can speech changes be experienced after orthognathic surgery?
    You may experience speech changes after orthognathic surgery, but this is usually temporary and should improve over time.
  • Is the extraction of wisdom molars painful?
    The wisdom molar extraction procedure can be somewhat uncomfortable, but the pain can be managed with anesthesia and pain medication.
  • Cost of orthognathic surgery
    In Chile there is a wide range of values. The public system does not charge for the procedure and in the private system the range is between 8,000 and 20,000 dollars. The value of our clinic is in the lower price range because we want to be closer to many, the value depends on the diagnosis and the type of procedure to be performed.
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